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Friendship Is A Deep Love

its fleeting way bewilders.
a day will come
when you will not know my name
and my body will fail.
till then we have each other.
we're two simple souls on a journey.  
I can't sing. you can.
still we have our song.
I shall be me and you
shall be you.
together we're thick salsa,
spiced just right.
last night we danced on ice.
affirmed we both love crows and chocolate.
and Savie Island's Blue Herons.
each day I breathe and sleep you.
your loud arms are my arms.
we are pinned to each other,
like wind and water.
but we cannot master the stars.
they know more than we do.
the good life is not gone
though it does not shine.
love does.
we adlib heart to heart. sip hot chocolate,
poems and sweet tears all afternoon.
circle each other with our dreams.
what I do is for you.
what you do is for me.
we hold each other with gracious care.
our song will last
till stars become part of our memoirs.
till they call us. tease us.
till that sepcial moment
when they, the sky's night jewels,
invite us up to dance.
























© 2020 K.J. Baker